The REALTOR® Code of Ethics distinguishes you from other license holders because you pledge to meet certain obligations to clients, colleagues, and the general public. Find the complete REALTOR® Code of Ethics at Here are a few tips to comply with the articles commonly cited in ethics complaints.
Be honest and truthful in your communications. Review Article 12 and make sure your advertising, marketing, and other representations present a true picture and that your status as a real estate professional is readily apparent. These materials can include business cards, signs, marketing pieces, websites, and even social media profiles like Facebook and Twitter.
Be aware of existing brokerage relationships. Be cautious when contacting someone who already has an exclusive representation agreement with another REALTOR®, because you could violate Article 16.
Be kind. Article 15 says REALTORS® will not knowingly or recklessly make false or misleading statements about other real estate professionals, their businesses, or their business practices.
Be cooperative. Article 3 says REALTORS® will cooperate
with other brokers except when cooperation is not in the
client’s best interest.